Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Why is it difficult to communicate clearly and effectively with the people we love?
I've studied communication for nearly 7 years. I can spout communication theories like any other comm. student. I can tell you how a company communicates, how it effects their business, and how to help change their methods to improve their productivity. I can tell you that how a mother communiates with her children is different than how their father communicates with them. And why that's okay.
I can tell you that married couples have trouble communicating and that it often leads to major problems in their marriage. I can write a paper on how Pastor's communicate with their congragations and why it affects the beliefs of the people that go to their church.
All this information floats in my head...along with oodles of information on Ancient Civilizations, historical facts, home remedies, film trivia, and more.
And yet, I still can't explain myself to many of the people I love. I live here, in a large city, isolated and unable to reach out to others. I realize that part of this is in fact, my own fault. I find that as I get older, it gets harder to communicate with others.
I learned early on that if you don't have something nice to say...don't say anything. Well, there is really very few nice things to say of the others in my demographic. I don't generally like Earth Muffins, liberals, or pushy people. I don't like being told that I am narrow-minded, opinionated, and constantly wrong. I don't like people that I barely (if at all) know telling me that I'm raising my children wrong. I don't go around telling them that my way is the only way or that I won't listen to their way. I am more than willing to listen, consider and store away any information they share with me. I will also impliment any information that I deem appropriate for my family. How is this being narrow-minded? And how much more so are THEY the narrow-minded ones? They don't usually listen to my thoughts. In fact, they usually dismiss them immidiately. I'm tired of it.
I'm tired of being the youngest mom in the group. I'm tired of feeling that I keep giving and giving and not in getting a friendly hello in return. And I'm tired of having to make new friends. I don't want new friends. I love the friends I have now. I don't want to change them. I would like to take them all with me where ever I end up....maybe I can start a commune. I nice friendly commune with all friends. How wonderful that would be.